Corporate Communication Skill Training

Communication skills training program can up skill the workforce to drive growth and bring about progress by making employees an asset for the organisations.
Every year communication tops the list of skills in demand by employers. Effective communication at work can be transformative for individuals, teams, and businesses.

Broad overview of our training program

Our training program are based on individual & group activities. We believe the training needs of an employee may vary based on his/her experience and qualifications. Hence we try to understand the expectation of an organizations first and then customize our training program accordingly.

However in general our program consist of
How Well Do You Communicate?
Use Engaging Language
Use the Power of Questions
Use Non-Verbal Communication and Build Rapport
Use Active Listening
Overcome Communication barriers

Good communication skills can ease the interactions, and ensure that you are able to get your point across calmly and clearly, and also take on board the responses. Employees who communicate effectively proves an asset to an organisation.

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This is just a sneak peek into our training programs . We keep on modifying our training modules, based on Client’s requirement. Our training programs are based on engaging activities, role plays, and worksheets. We also use different feedback methodologies for pre-evaluation, post evaluation & feedback

Why top companies prefer Trilekha (lot to learn)

• Training content is based on practical challenges faced by employees
• High engagement and outcome-centric learning
• Measured outcomes through on the spot assignment
• Approach that makes employee understand that the training program is beneficial for their overall career development rather than their role/profile development.
• Training are far more than a power point presentation and the same methodology is applied while training employees


Instructor- led training at the premise


Training delivery at the training center


Live interactive virtual training with highly qualified and the most experienced real-time instructors in the field

Fly me a trainer

Fly-me-a-trainer is a training option available for the corporate clientele, which reduces the travel, lodging and boarding expenses of participants.

Custom training

A custom training program meets the specific business needs of an organization with one-of-a-kind training content. This training has targeted learning methodologies and clear-cut objectives of