Time Management Skills Training

Develop effective time management skills
Good time management can make you more productive and effective.
Time management means working efficiently, and all the organizations look for staff that can make optimal use of the time available to them on the job. The employees can save the organization’s money and increase revenue by managing their time effectively.
Effective time management requires staff to analyse their workload, assign priorities, and maintain focus on productive task. According to the finger print for success data, 66% of US workers lack work-life balance skills, which certainly affects their personal lives and they remain under stress for a long time.
Employees can do more with good time management, getting more freedom, improving attention, decreasing stress, and being more productive. Time management is vital in the workplace for a variety of reasons. Without question, it is one of the most sought-after attributes in employees.
Better time management can lead to improved work-life balance, less procrastination and higher self-esteem.

Broad overview of program

Setting goals systematically to maximize productivity
Dealing with procrastination
Understand & Eliminate time killers
Difference between Urgent & Important
Delegation for time management
Organising your time
Work towards being productive not being busy

By the end of the program the participants will be able to:

• Discover their time management strengths and self-management opportunities
• Manage multiple priorities based on validity and urgency
• Redirect their efforts to the most important and critical tasks
• Identify ways to deal with distractions and eliminate interruptions
• Discover quick and easy ways to handle non-valid tasks
• Be assertive without having to say ‘No

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This is just a sneak peek into our training programs . We keep on modifying our training modules, based on Client’s requirement. Our training programs are based on engaging activities, role plays, and worksheets. We also use different feedback methodologies for pre-evaluation, post evaluation & feedback

Why top companies prefer Trilekha (lot to learn)

• Training content is based on practical challenges faced by employees
• High engagement and outcome-centric learning
• Measured outcomes through on the spot assignment
• Approach that makes employee understand that the training program is beneficial for their overall career development rather than their role/profile development.
• Training are far more than a power point presentation and the same methodology is applied while training employees


Instructor- led training at the premise


Training delivery at the training center


Live interactive virtual training with highly qualified and the most experienced real-time instructors in the field

Fly me a trainer

Fly-me-a-trainer is a training option available for the corporate clientele, which reduces the travel, lodging and boarding expenses of participants.

Custom training

A custom training program meets the specific business needs of an organization with one-of-a-kind training content. This training has targeted learning methodologies and clear-cut objectives of